New Year Stuff

As of today I’m officially back from the holidays and so posting should pick back up, especially with the 2666 group read kicking off next week.

2666 was mentioned on tons of Best-of lists at the end of the year and they aren’t really that interesting to read outside of the mentions. There are even some places where 2666 is mentioned in meta-discussing what did/didn’t make year end lists. It’s weird: I love lists, but these year-end things just seem like ads to me.

The New Yorker’s Book Bench blog has declared January “National Reading 2666 Month” (seems like “Reading” and “2666” should be transposed there, but whatevs). Somehow I doubt most people will be able to finish it in a month. BUT they should definitely send people over to bolano-l for the group read!

bolaño-l and 2666 group read

You might notice that there’s now a subscribe box in the right column of this page. We’re using Google Groups to run bolaño-l and hope it works out well for all involved. Email me at matt [at] if you have any questions.

Tell your friends to sign up, too!

Watch this space

The Book Design Review blog takes a quick look at the cover of 2666:

The hardcover and one of the paperbacks features a detail of Gustave Moreau‘s Jupiter and Semele (below; click to enlarge). Jupiter is, of course, Zeus; Semele is the mother of Dionysius.

This blog will be a clearinghouse for all links and topics related to Bolaño and his books,
but it will also be the home of bolano-l, the mailing list. Subscriptions to the list will be active before the end of November. Plans are underway for a group read of 2666 to begin on the list in early 2009.

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